Page 42 - The Miracle of Creation in DNA
P. 42

puzzle would surely have been
                                                    interpreted as the most powerful
                                                  sort of evidence for special creation. 9
                                                   In his book Evolution: A Theory in
                                            Crisis, writing of the invalidity of the
                                           theory of evolution, renowned molecular
                                        biologist Prof. Michael Denton explains the
                                      unreasonable conviction of Darwinists:
                           To the skeptic, the proposition that the genetic programmes of
                      higher organisms, consisting of something close to a thousand million
                   bits of information, equivalent to the
                   sequence of letters in a small library of one
                   thousand volumes, containing in encoded
                   form countless thousands of intricate
                   algorithms controlling, specifying, and
                   ordering the growth and development of
                   billions and billions of cells into the form of a
                   complex organism, were composed by a
                   purely random process is simply  AN
                   AFFRONT TO REASON. BUT TO THE
                   WITHOUT  A RIPPLE OF DOUBT - THE
                                                                Prof. Michael Denton
                   PARADIGM TAKES PRECEDENCE!     10
                   Indeed, Darwinism is nothing but a totally
              unreasonable, superstitious belief. Anyone with any reason would see the
              evidence for that great fact by looking at DNA, or any other part of the
              universe. Human beings and all living things are created by God, the
              Almighty, who is the Lord of all the worlds.

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