Page 40 - The Miracle of Creation in DNA
P. 40
The question of how such an extraordinarily designed
molecule as DNA originated is one of the thousands of impasses
evolutionists reach. Seeking to explain life by means of "coincidence," the
theory of evolution can never explain the source of the extraordinary
information so perfectly and meticulously encoded in DNA.
Moreover, the question is not only that of how the DNA chain
originated. That is because, as we have already seen, although the DNA
chain exists with its extraordinary information capacity, it serves no
purpose on its own. In order to refer to life, it is essential that the enzymes
that read this DNA chain, copy them and produce proteins, should also
Simply put, in order to talk of life, both the data bank we call DNA,
and the machines to carry out production by reading the data in the bank
have to co-exist.
To our surprise, enzymes, which read DNA and carry out production
accordingly, are themselves produced according to the codes in DNA.
This means that there is a factory in the cell that both makes many
different types of products, and also manufactures the robots and
machines that carry out this production. The question of how this system,
which would be of no use with a minor defect in any of its mechanisms
originated, is by itself enough to demolish the theory of evolution.
Evolutionist Douglas R. Hofstadter of Indiana University, states his
despair in the face of this question:
38 The Miracle of Creation in DNA