Page 65 - The Miracle of Creation in DNA
P. 65
The Flow of Fate
Cannot be Changed
Destiny is God's perfect
knowledge of all events, past or
future, as a single moment. God
already knows events that have
not yet been experienced. A large
number of people do not
understand how God can know
what will happen in the future, in
other words the reality of destiny.
However, "events not yet
experienced" are only so for us.
All those events, the results of
which we describe as "unknown,"
are only "unknown" to us. God,
who possesses infinite
knowledge, is not bound by time
and space. In any case, it was He
who created time and space. For
this reason, past, future, and
present are all the same to God;
for Him everything has already
taken place and finished.
Everything that we are
experiencing now, and will
experience in the future, is already
over and done with in the sight of
God. At the appropriate time, all
people witness the destiny that
God has prepared for them.
Darwinist-Materialist Misconceptions
About The Human Genome Project