Page 67 - The Miracle of Creation in DNA
P. 67
detail of their lives. Everything that a person will experience, that seems
good or bad to him, happens within the knowledge of God. The Sura
An'am reveals that everything that happens in the world, be it great or
small, happens by the will of God:
The keys of the Unseen are in His possession. No one knows them but
Him. He knows everything on the land and in the sea. No leaf falls
without His knowing it. There is no seed in the darkness of the earth, and
nothing moist or dry which is not in a Clear Book. (Qur'an, 6:59)
This is true for everyone and every event. It is neither possible for
anyone to alter the destiny that God has prepared for him, nor to bring
about any change in the flow of events. For instance, God has created
everyone with a certain lifetime and everyone's moment of death is
determined as to its location, time and form in the sight of God. For
instance, a disease a person will suffer from has been predestined billions
of years ago before his birth. Whether or not he will recover from that
sickness has been decided in his fate by God. Even the doctors, nurses,
hospital, medicines and methods of treatment that will be the vehicles for
his recovery have been written in advance in the sight of God. For that
reason, the fact that someone recovers does not mean he has cheated his
fate, but that his recovery was part of that same fate.
If, in the years to come, someone's lifetime is extended with timely
interventions in the genes, this would not mean that this event defeated
that person's destiny. It simply means the following: God gave this man a
long life and He made the completion of gene mapping a means for his
life to be long. The discovery of the gene map, that person's living in that
period and that person's life being extended by scientific means are all his
destiny. All is determined in the sight of God before this person is born
into the world.
Similarly, someone whose fatal sickness is cured through the
discoveries made within the scope of this project has again not changed
his destiny. That is because it is this person's destiny to recover from this
illness by means of this project. Consequently, completion of the human
genome project and the fact that man will be able to intervene in the
Darwinist-Materialist Misconceptions
About The Human Genome Project