Page 72 - The Miracle of Creation in DNA
P. 72
Archaeopteryx This fact has been known for a
picture long time. Yet evolutionists
speculated on a few fossils, trying to
present them as "intermediate
transitional forms" and
comforted themselves saying,
"only a few intermediate
forms have been found so far,
but in the future all of them will be
unearthed." The most important fossil presented as
an intermediate form was a 150-million-year-old
extinct bird fossil called Archaeopteryx. Evolutionists claimed that this
bird had reptilian traits. Despite the fact that their claims have been
refuted one by one and that it has been proved that Archaeopteryx was
not an intermediate transitional form but a flying bird species, they
desperately embraced this last fossil they had.
"Fossil Discovery Threatens
Theory of Birds' Evolution"
At last, a fossil discovered during recent years, definitely overthrew
the claims of evolutionists. As quoted from the evolutionist sources, a
fossil was discovered which revealed that the ancient ancestor of birds
was not a dinosaur or any other living being but a bird.
News about this discovery first appeared in the world media on June
23, 2000. The New York Times carried the headline "Fossil Discovery
Threatens Theory of Birds' Evolution." This article was about a bird
which was recently unearthed in the Middle East. Prominent scientific
journals such as Science and Nature and the world-renowned TV network
of the BBC announced the recent developments as follows: "It has been
discovered that the fossil, which was unearthed in the Middle East and
estimated to have lived 220 million years ago, is covered with feathers,
has a wishbone just like Archaeopteryx and modern birds do, and there
are hollow shafts in its feathers. THIS INVALIDATES THE CLAIMS
70 The Miracle of Creation in DNA