Page 77 - The Miracle of Creation in DNA
P. 77
The purpose of this book is to display the miraculous
features of plants and hence to make people see "the creation
miracle" in things -they often encounter in the flow of their
daily lives and sidestep.
This book opens new horizons on these issues for people
who, throughout their lives, -think only about their own
needs and hence fail to see the evidence of God's existence.
Reading and understanding this book will be an important
step in coming to an understanding of one's Creator.
This book reveals the "miracle in the eye" In it, you will find
a description of a perfect system and the story of the
unbelievable events taking place behind the hundreds of eyes
we see each day... As in all the books of this series, this one
discusses the theory of evolution in detail and the collapse of
that theory is proven once more. When you read the book,
you will see how right Darwin was when he said "The
thought of the eye makes me cold all over."
The evidence of God's creation is present everywhere in the
universe. A person comes across many of these proofs in the
course of his daily life. In every creature there are great
mysteries to be pondered. Ants, the millimetric-sized animals
that we frequently come across but don't care much about
have an excellent ability for organization and specialization
that is not to be matched by any other being on earth. These
aspects of ants create in one a great admiration for God's
superior power and unmatched creation.
Termites, which are the subject matter of this book, are a
species of insect that we are not accustomed to see around us.
Though partly similar to ants in their lives and appeareances,
termites have very different features and abilities. A book on
termites may be very surprising for some people. They may
think that there would not be much to tell about a little insect.
When you read about the characteristics of termites,
however, you will see that this idea is totally wrong. This
insect, about which little is known, and which is mostly
brushed aside, is equipped with many miraculous features
that will open up a new horizon of thought, revealing God's
matchless creation.