Page 79 - The Miracle of Creation in DNA
P. 79

Most people have heard that they need protein for their
                                  health, but few know more than this. Proteins, however, are
                                  miraculous molecules which reveal important facts to us.
                                  These molecules, consisting of different atoms combined
                                  together in different forms – but certainly in a definite
                                  order – show us what a great artistry exists in God's
                                  creation. At the same time, the design in the structure of a
                                  single protein alone is enough to demolish the theory of
                                  evolution which seeks to explain life by coincidences. In
                                  this book, these subjects are explained with very easy-to-
                                  understand examples.

              The essence of the human body, which is made up of 60-70
              kilos of flesh and bone, was initially put together in a drop
              of water. There is no doubt that the creation of man, who is
              endowed with the faculties of thinking, hearing and seeing,
              and a highly complicated body structure, from a drop of
              water comes about through an extraordinary course of
              development. This development certainly does not happen
              as the result of an idle process, and random coincidences,
              but is a conscious act of creation. This book is about the
              details of the "miracle in man's creation" which is repeated
              with every human being born into the world.

                                  While reading this book, imagine you are taking a journey
                                  inside your own body. During this journey, you will witness
                                  miraculous events taking place everywhere inside you,
                                  beginning from just a few millimetres beneath your skin to
                                  the very depths...
                                  A person who ponders deeply will understand that his
                                  body has a Creator. What falls, at this point, to man is to
                                  realise the favours given to him by the all-Mighty God and
                                  to rearrange all his life towards winning the pleasure of

              With their photosynthesis systems converting light to food,
              their mechanisms that ceaselessly produce energy and
              oxygen, and their aesthetic qualities, plants are special
              forms of life that reveal God's infinite knowledge. In this
              book, you will explore one very important property of
              plants, namely, photosynthesis, and the perfect design of
              the leaves where photosynthesis takes place, thus testifying
              to the miracles God created in these living things.
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