Page 76 - The Miracle of Creation in DNA
P. 76
Also by Harun Yahya
Also by Harun Yahya
When the wonderful harmony in nature is clearly
observable even with the naked eye, how can it be possible
to think that this design was established haphazardly and
by chance? Surely, there must be an owner of this design
existing in our bodies and reaching the remotest corners of
the incredibly vast universe. He must be a will who existed
before the entire universe and who then created the
universe: The Eminent Creator in Whom everything finds
existence and Whose Being is without beginning or end...
This book is a summons to think about the universe and
the living things God has created and to see the perfection
in their creation.
In the Qur'an it is stated "Surely God is not ashamed to set
forth any parable- (that of) a gnat or any thing above that..."
(Surat al-Baqara: 26), because even so tiny a creature is full
of the signs of God's excellent creation. By examining this
tiny animal, one comes to realize that life could not have
originated by itself but had to have been created by a
Creator, who is God, Possessor of eternal wisdom and
knowledge and able to do all things.
This book is written to help clarify this concept by drawing
attention to the amazing features of the gnat.
Everyone knows that plants come from seeds. However
hardly anyone gives a thought to how plants of such
diverse kinds come out of a wood-like bit, how the
information about these plants is placed in their seeds, or
how this information is individually decoded. How is it
that a seed grows up to form fruits with just the right
amount of sugar, special fragrance, and distinct taste as
they are supposed to have? Who determines the form and
color of fruits and flowers? This book answers all these
questions and reveals that seeds are pieces of evidence of
God's infinite power.
We fall sick many times throughout our lives. When the
events of "sickness" and "recovering" take place, our bodies
become a battleground in which a bitter struggle is taking
place. Microbes invisible to our eyes intrude into our body
and begin to increase rapidly. The body however has a
mechanism that combats them. Known as the "immune
system", this mechanism is the most disciplined, most
complex and successful army of the world. This system
proves that the human body is the outcome of a unique
design that has been planned with a great wisdom and
skill. In other words, the human body is the evidence of a
flawless creation, which is the peerless creation of God.