Page 78 - The Miracle of Creation in DNA
P. 78

In this book you will find explanations about eternity,
                                    timelessness and spacelessness that you will never have
                                    encountered anywhere else and you will be confronted by
                                    the reality that eternity has already begun. The real
                                    answers to many questions people always ponder such as
                                    where God is, the true nature of death, resurrection after
                                    death, the existence of an eternal life, and the time when all
                                    these things will happen are to be found here…

                In the Qur'an, God draws our attention to a number of
                creatures and summons man to ponder them. The honeybee is
                one of these. In Surat an-Nahl, "The surah of the honeybee", we
                are told that this creature's behaviour is inspired by God to
                produce honey, a benefit for man. A thorough examination of
                the honeybee reveals its miraculous features. Research on
                honeybees indicates that these living beings employ a
                remarkable system of communication among themselves
                while the honeycombs they build are based on precise
                calculations that human beings could not duplicate without
                proper tools. Details concerning the life of honeybees furnish
                evidence for the creation of God.

                                    The cell is one of the main subjects taught in biology classes, but
                                    most of the time, what is taught in these classes is quickly
                                    forgotten after school. The reason is that in school, the subject of
                                    the cell is presented in a very misleading manner. All that is
                                    related is the "what" of the cell; never is there any mention of
                                    "how" this extraordinary biological machine could have come
                                    into being. This is because the "scientists" who have developed
                                    this deceptive method know full well that there is no answer to
                                    the question that is sure to follow "Then who created the cell?"
                                    other than acknowledging the existence of a Creator. This book
                                    deals primarily with the answer to that question.

               How was matter and time created from nothingness?
               What does the Big Bang theory signify about the creation of
               the universe?
               How can a time slice of centuries in our view be a single
               "moment" in another dimension?
               What is the parallelism between Einstein's Theory of
               Relativity and the Qur'anic verses?
               All of these questions are answered in this book where it is
               described that time and matter are not absolute truths but
               mere perceptions. If you want to learn the truths about
               space, matter, time and fate, read this book.
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