Page 81 - The Miracle of Creation in DNA
P. 81

God, in the Qur'an, calls
               A study that
                                                              the culture of people
               examines and
                                                              who are not subject to
             seeks to remind
                                                              the religion of God
              us of the basic
                                                              "ignorance." Only a
             moral principles
                                                              comparison of this
               of the Qur'an,
                                                              culture with the moral
                                                              structure of the Qur'an
               those that are
                                                              can reveal its crude
             most likely to be
                                                              nature. The purpose of
                forgotten or
                                                              this book is to display
                neglected at
                                                              the extent of the "crude
                                                              understanding" of
                                                              ignorant societies.
              The Qur'an has been revealed to us so that we may read
              and ponder it. Unfortunately, current attitudes towards
              religion in society today discourage people from
              pondering the Qur'an. The primary duty of a Muslim is to
              thoroughly learn the book of God for it was revealed to
              people by their sole Lord as a "guidance to those who
              believe" (Surat al-Baqara, 2). Basic Concepts in the Qur'an
              is a useful resource prepared as a guide on this subject.
                                  One of the principal deceptions that impels people into
                                  delinquency and makes them pursue their own desires is
                                  their heedlessness of death. Both human beings and the
                                  universe they live in are mortal. What awaits the
                                  disbelievers in the next world is more dreadful: the
                                  eternal wrath of hell. This book, based on the verses of the
                                  Qur'an, makes a detailed depiction of the moment of
                                  death, the day of judgement, and the penalties in hell,
                                  and it sounds a warning about the great danger facing us.

               That people do not adopt the moral values of the Qur'an and
               submit to God underlie the personal and social depression,
               pain, fears and lack of confidence that is widely experienced
               today. This book explains the detriments that disbelief gives
               to people and discloses the only way to salvation, which is
               submission to God.
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