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               Oto Ben ga, The Pygmy in the Zoo, Ca na da,  First Run Features, New York, 1997
               Ekim 1993 s. 269                  51- Ge or ge Ste in, Ame ri can Sci en tist, vol. 76,
              36- Phi lips Ver ner Brad ford, Har vey Blu me,  Ocak/Şu bat 1988, s. 52
               Oto Ben ga, The Pygmy in the Zoo, Ca na da,  52- Sir Art hur Ke ith, Evo lu ti on and Et hics,
               Ekim 1993, s. 267                  1947, s. 246
              37- Phi lips Ver ner Brad ford, Har vey Blu me,  53- Ro bert Clark, Dar win: Be fo re and Af ter,
               Oto Ben ga, The Pygmy in the Zoo, Ca na da,
                                                  Grand Ra pids In ter na ti onal Press, Grand Ra -
               Ekim 1993, s.266                   pids, MI, 1958. s.115
              38- Phi lips Ver ner Brad ford, Har vey Blu me,  54- J. Te nen ba um., Ra ce and Re ich, Tway ne
               Oto Ben ga, The Pygmy in the Zoo, Ca na da,  Pub., New York, p. 211, 1956; Jerry Berg man,
               Ekim 1993, s. 259                  Dar wi nism  and  the  Na zi  Ra ce  Ho lo ca ust,
              39- Bryan App le yard, Bra ve New Worlds, Har -  http://www.tru eo ri lo ca ust.htm
               per Col lins Pub lis hers, Lon don 1999, s. 49-50  55- Fran cis Scha ef fer, How Shall We Then Li ve?,
              40- Burns, Çağ daş Si ya sal Dü şün ce ler 1850-1950,  Old Tap pan, N.J.Re vell, 1976, s. 151; Henry
               s.446; Ala ed din Şe nel, Irk ve Irk çı lık Dü şün ce -  M. Mor ris, The Long War Aga inst God, s. 78
               si, An ka ra:Bi lim ve Sa nat Ya yın la rı, 1993,  56- Adolf Hit ler, Hit ler's Sec ret Con ver sa ti ons
               ss.62-6                            1941–1944, With an int ro duc tory es say on
              41- Carl Co hen, Com mu nim, Fas cism and De -  The Mind of Adolf Hit ler by H.R. Tre vor-Ro -
               moc racy, New York: Ran dom Ho use Pub lis -  per, Far rar, Stra us and Yo ung, New York, s.
               hing, 1967, ss.408-409             117, 1953; Jerry Berg man, Dar wi nism and the
              42- www.tru eo ri lo ca  Na zi Ra ce Ho lo ca ust, http://www.tru eo ri -
                                         lo ca ust.htm
              43- L.H. Gann, Adolf Hit ler, The Comp le te To ta -
               li ta ri an, The In ter col la gi ate  Re vi ew, Son ba -  57- Da ni el Gas man, The Sci en ti fic Ori gins of Na -
               har 1985, s. 24; Henry Mor ris, The Long War  ti onal So ci alism: So ci al Dar wi nism in Ernst Ha -
                                                  ec kel and the Ger man Mo nist Le ague, New
               Aga inst God, 8.b. Mic hi gan: Ba ker Bo ok Ho -
               use, Mart 1996, s. 78              York: Ame ri can El se vi er Press, 1971, s. 168
              44- K. Lud me rer., Eu ge nics, In: Encyc lo pe dia of  58- Henry Mor ris, The Long War Aga inst God:
               Bi oet hics, Edi ted by Mark Lap pe, The Free  The His tory and the Im pact of the Cre ati on, Evo -
               Press, New York, s. 457, 1978; www.tru eo ri -  lu ti on, Conf lict, 8.bas kı, Mic hi gan: Ba ker Bo -
      lo ca ust.htm           ok Ho use, Mart 1996, s. 81
              45- G. Ste in., Bi olo gi cal sci en ce and the ro ots of  59- De nis Mack Smith, Mus so li ni, s. 14
               Na zism, Ame ri can Sci en tist 76(1):s. 54, 1988;  60- John P. Dig gins, Mus so li ni and Fas cism, s. 15
               Jerry Berg man, Dar wi nism and the Na zi Ra ce  61- Çağ daş Li der ler An sik lo pe di si, 2. cilt, s.
               Ho lo ca ust, http://www.tru eo ri lo -  669
               ca ust.htm
                                                 62- Ja mes Joll, Eu ro pe Sin ce 1870: An In ter na ti -
              46- Adolf Hit ler, Me in Kampf, Münc hen: Ver -
                                                  onal His tory,  Pen gu in  Bo oks,  Midd le sex,
               lag Franz Eher Nach fol ger, 1993, s. 44, 447-  1990, s. 164
               448;  A.E. Wil der Smith, Man's Ori gin, Man's
               Des tiny, The Word For To day Pub lis hing  63- Ant hony Smith, İn san, Ya pı sı ve Ya şa mı,
               1993, s. 163, 164                  Rem zi Ki ta pe vi, İs tan bul, 1979, s. 33
                                                 64- A.E. Wig gam, The New Di alo gue of Sci en ce,
              47- Jerry Berg man, Dar wi nism and The Na zi Ra -
               ce   Ho lo ca ust,   http://www.tru eo ri -  Gar den Pub lis hing Co., Gar den City, NY, p.
      lo ca ust.htm)          102, 1922; Jerry Berg man, Dar wi nism and the
                                                  Na zi Ra ce Ho lo ca ust, http://www.tru eo ri -
              48- http://www.tru id/na zi.html lo ca ust.htm
               sci en ti fic backg ro und of na zizm
                                                 65- Ro bert Clark, Dar win: Be fo re and Af ter,
              49- Henry Mor ris, The Long War Aga inst God, s.  Grand Ra pids In ter na ti onal Press, Grand Ra -
               78; Fran cis Scha ef fer, How Shall We Then Li -
                                                  pids, MI, 1958., s. 115-116; Jerry Berg man,
               ve?, New Jer sey, Re vell Bo oks, Old Tap pan,  Dar wi nism  and  the  Na zi  Ra ce  Ho lo ca ust,
               1976, s. 151                       http://www.tru eo ri lo ca ust.htm
              50- John J. Michalczyk (editor), Nazi Medicine:  66-   http://www.tru eo ri lo ca -
               In The Shadow of The Reich (belgesel film),  ust.htm
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