Page 206 - Darwinizmin İnsanlığa Getirdiği Belalar
P. 206
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116- Her bert Spen cer, So ci al Sta tus, 1850, s.414- Mas ter Bo oks, Ni san 1997, s. 84
415 129- The odo si us Dobz hansky, Et hics and Va lu -
117- The Chal len ge of Facts and Ot her Es says, es in Bi ogi cal and Cul tu ral Evo lu ti on, Zygon,
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122- And rew Car ne ige, Au to bi og raphy, Bos -
ton 1920, s. 327, bkn. Hofs tad ter So ci al Dar - 133- Earth watch, Mart 1989, s. 17; Henry Mor -
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