Page 35 - The Silent Language Of Evil
P. 35

Harun Yahya

        methods and, like him, use their secret language to entice others into
             The Qur'an tells us that these hypocrites are seduced by satan's
        tactics and are overwhelmed with doubts:
             They will call out to them, "Were we not with you?" They
             will reply, "Indeed you were. But you made trouble for
             yourselves and hung back and doubted and false hopes de-
             luded you until Allah's command arrived. The deluder de-

             luded you about Allah." (Surat al-Hadid: 14)
             Satan aims to use these people to act in his name, to establish a
        mass of faithful followers and to lead them as he wishes, according
        to his ideals. Using these individuals, he wants to reach a wider
        mass of people with his suggestions. He wants them to speak with
        their own mouths the words he wishes them to say. He wants to
        keep his religion alive by instilling his own moral ideas into their
        morality. In this way, he won't frighten people because they will be
        unaware that he is instilling his religion into them, calling them to
        follow his path and making them his minions. And with their evil
        moral ideas, these people will draw others into the great error of sa-
        tanic morality.
             One single individual who adopts satan's religion will reach
        others around him and slowly invite them all to practice satanic
        morality. This single individual will make others adopt this false re-
        ligion, until hundreds of people will become the ambassadors of
        satan. In this way, thousands of mouths will communicate satan's re-
        ligion, thousands of bodies will present his morality and thousands
        of soldiers will divert people from the true path. Satan directs every
        soldier in his army at every moment and leads each of them to initi-
        ate a satanic activity.

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