Page 40 - The Silent Language Of Evil
P. 40


            teachings of the Qur'an, where Allah tells us that we must repent
            when we commit any evil act and change the evil into good by per-
            forming pious works. As long as a person does not practice the
            morality of the Qur'an and tries to cover the evil he has done with a
            false veneer of innocence, he will only be drawn into more evil be-
            havior. Besides, as the Qur'an says, every evil act will certainly be of
            no avail:

                 If anyone wants power, all power belongs to Allah. All
                 good words rise to Him and He raises up all virtuous
                 deeds. But people who plot evil deeds will suffer a harsh
                 punishment. The plotting of such people is profitless.
                 (Surah Fatir: 10)
                 All who act according to satan's intimations, like satan himself,
            develop special methods to make themselves appear innocent, and
            adopt certain ways of talking that they think will influence those
            around them.
                 Some of these methods can be classified as follows:

                 They try to make themselves appear innocent by
                 using the name of Allah
                 To appear well-intentioned and innocent, certain people resort
            to insincere methods; such as employing spiritual values. They do
            not conform their lives to the Qur'an but, if they must make them-
            selves appear well-intentioned and sincere, they mention Allah's
            name and may speak of the importance of being religious, fearing
            Allah and acting according to their conscience. But while praising
            Allah's name, they do not consider His greatness, that He knows the
            acts of insincerity they have committed, or that He will punish them
            with the pangs of Hell.

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