Page 41 - The Silent Language Of Evil
P. 41

Harun Yahya

             There are many examples of this insincerity. One of the best
        known is the practice of swearing falsely by the name of Allah when
        individuals are faced with a difficult situation. By doing this, they
        think they can persuade others, though there is no convincing proof
        of their innocence and even if their error obvious. They think they
        will leave a deep impression on people by taking an oath in Allah's
        name—and believe this method will be especially effective with reli-
        gious people.
             In order to make themselves appear innocent, these people are
        not limited to using Allah's name in their oaths, but use as many re-
        ligious elements as possible. In order to legitimize their depraved at-
        titudes and behavior, they speak at great length about faith. They tell
        others that they give much importance to correct moral actions, how
        carefully they avoid evil and how scrupulously they behave. They
        claim to avoid any kind of wrong behavior because they are wary of
        the punishments they will receive in the Afterlife. But if they come
        across any situation that conflicts with their own interests, their in-
        sincerity becomes evident when they behave in a manner contrary
        to what they have professed.
             Another similarly insincere method they use is to interpret

        verses of the Qur'an according to their own warped thinking. This
        they do to cover up the evil they have done and make it appear le-
        gitimate. Allah says in the Qur'an that He has sent down all the
        verses of the Qur'an in very clear language. Therefore, their meaning
        is very clear. But in order to prove themselves right, those who have
        fallen under the influence of satan are audacious enough to try to
        make verses of the Qur'an support their own interpretations.
             Such satanic methods can indeed be quite persuasive with peo-
        ple who do not judge events with an intelligence based in the

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