Page 42 - The Silent Language Of Evil
P. 42
Qur'an. But Muslims evaluate the attitude and behavior of others
according to the criteria that Allah has revealed in the Qur'an. A per-
son may mention Allah's name only with his tongue or take an oath
in His name; he may speak about religious matters and say how
clean his heart is. But this is not enough to convince anyone of his
sincerity, for these are the behaviors that can be imitated by those
who are sick in their hearts to deceive believers. The sign of true sin-
cerity is a person who behaves the way he speaks and is careful to
avoid evil, whether secret or in the open.
A person who displays any kind of unseemly behavior must re-
member that Allah sees all the evil a person does, no matter how
well he may hide it. The Qur'an tells us that Allah knows every evil
deed that is done and every insincere excuse offered to cover it up.
"... not one thing about them will be hidden from Allah..." (Surah
Ghafir: 16) For this reason, a person must behave knowing that he
will be confronted with all these things on the Day of Judgment and
must aim to live a moral life pleasing to Allah.
They lie continually to prove their innocence
Those under the influence of satan resort to lying to make
themselves appear innocent. Famous Islamic scholar Abdul Qadir
al-Jaylani had this to say about satan: "What has sßatan not done to
you? He has made you love lies. He has made evil acts seem attrac-
tive to you." ('Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani, Ilahi Armagan (Divine Gift),
translated by Abdulkadir Akcicek (Ankara: Rahmet Publications,
1962), 2:16.) But by lying, we do not mean to hide something by say-
ing that it is the exact opposite of what it clearly is. Satan teaches the
silent language of evil and methods of insincere discourse whose
falsity is very difficult to detect. This allows the people to believe it