Page 47 - The Silent Language Of Evil
P. 47
Harun Yahya
Therefore, satan usually cannot manage to get people who hes-
itate to do evil publicly to tell lies openly. He will urge them to en-
gage in activities abetted by his subtle methods. One such method is
to have an evildoer soothe his conscience by putting the responsibil-
ity for his actions on someone else.
In this way, in order to declare their own innocence, those
whom satan has deceived distort others' well-intentioned words
and actions to justify their own behavior. They make sure that those
others are known for their sincerity, honesty, and reliability and
good moral character. They contend that they were well-intentioned
and doing only what these individuals had told them to. If any
wrong was done, they assert, the responsibility lies with those indi-
viduals whose advice they followed. According to their warped
thinking, they have done nothing wrong; but only took advice from
people they thought to be honest, sincere and trustworthy.
Therefore, they are to blame for what happened.
In order to excuse their unseemly behavior, these people also
distort the meaning of words. They make use of the fact that one
word may have several meanings in order to get others to misper-
ceive what they really mean. The Qur'an tells us about the insincere
behavior of such people: "But those who did wrong substituted
words other than those they had been given..." (Surat al-Baqara: 59)
With such insidious methods, satan draws those under his influence
into evil.
They try to justify their behavior by saying that
everyone makes the same mistakes
Those under satan's influence try to justify their errors by point-
ing to others who commit the same ones. This is actually, one of
satan's better-known methods; while encouraging others toward