Page 52 - The Silent Language Of Evil
P. 52


            and want to make people think that they are innocent.
                 Children who are still being brought up are not aware of many
            of the mistakes they make. For this reason, most people do not get
            angry with children when they behave badly, but on the contrary,
            treat them with understanding, tolerance and compassion. Almost
            everything they do is justified with comments such as, "He's only a
            child; whatever he does is appropriate for his age," or "That's the
            way children behave," and "He's a child; he doesn't know any bet-
            ter." But, after a period of education, everyone reaches a certain level
            of maturity and intelligence.
                 This deliberate pretense of childishness is one of the major
            kinds of behavior  satan teaches. Among those who do not live ac-
            cording to the moral teachings of the Qur'an, it may receive the re-
            ward they expect. But those with faith know that people who
            believe in Allah and the world to come are mature in their faith and
            develop minds that are stable and intelligent. For this reason, at mo-
            ments when they clash with their lower selves and act childishly,
            they know that this behavior comes from satan's influence. They
            know that intelligence and an open awareness are required to carry
            out the responsibility that Allah has given to us. At the same time,

            aware of the power of Allah, the coming of the Day of Judgment and
            the pains of Hell, they do not forget about the penalties of deliber-
            ately ignoring matters that can easily be understood with ease and
            the kind of responsibility that childish behavior imposes on a per-
                 Satan makes some people forget all these truths and leads them
            to hide behind this secret method in order to make themselves ap-
            pear innocent. Sometimes they resort to these methods only to cover
            up their insincerity after they have made a mistake. Instead of using

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