Page 51 - The Silent Language Of Evil
P. 51

Harun Yahya

        silent language of evil in order to justify their lower selves. A very
        important truth should be kept in mind if a person is to avoid all
        these things. In the Qur'an, Allah tells us that people harm only
        themselves by the evil they do:
             ... they mislead no one but themselves and do not harm you
             in any way. Allah has sent down the Book and wisdom to
             you and taught you what you did not know before... (Surat
             an-Nisa': 113)

             Allah tells us to avoid all kinds of evil, whether it is big or small,
        secret or in the open. Hiding wrong behavior so that it cannot come
        to light brings a person no good, but only harm. The behavior most
        suited to the Qur'an is to sincerely accept that one has committed an
        error and make up for it by practicing the kind of morality that will
        please Allah.

             They try to prove their innocence by referring to
             their characters as childish
             Before becoming an adult, everyone was a child and at that age
        they witnessed the influence of their character on those around
        them. They saw that there are some advantages to being a child; they
        learned from experience that people approach children with sympa-
        thy and understanding. All these experiences stay in people's minds
        and let them realize what kinds of behavior will elicit what kind of
        reaction. When going through difficulties as they get older, some
        people revert to displaying certain childish qualities—not because
        they have not advanced beyond childhood, but because they believe
        that they can gain other people's sympathy, mercy and pity with this
        kind of behavior, just as they did when they were children. They re-
        sort to this behavior especially when they have made some mistake

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