Page 52 - Miracles in Our Bodies
P. 52
ı n previous chapters we referred to a
gigantic network of nerves running right
through our bodies. There is another such
miraculous network. This consists of blood vessels. Like the
network of nerves, blood vessels, too, circulate through the body.
They are so long that their total length would be about 100,000 kilo-
metres (62,000 miles) if they were spread over a flat surface. In fact,
it is not hard at all to understand that there are blood vessels all
around our body. Even a small scrape on any part of our body would
start to bleed immediately. This proves that blood circulates all
through our body. It is vital that we have blood vessels at
every point because, as mentioned in the previous chap-
ter, the nourishment required by the body cells is
conveyed through the blood vessels.
Oxygen that cells need for
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