Page 101 - Mary: An Exemplary Muslim Woman
P. 101
decision, whether conscious or not, to
adhere to this misguided tradition's
view of the ideal woman makes them mis-
erable, because they are following the
wrong ideals, purpose in life, and
Just like all unbelievers, women
chase the temporary life of this world
and its illusory attractions. Their fore-
most ideals are to enjoy this life's plea-
sures as much as possible, raise their liv-
ing standards continuously, have a good
name and status in the community, and
win their society's compliments and ad-
They are saddened by things that
they cannot control, such as worrying
about what the future may bring and
fearing for their lives and property. As
their society suggests, they seek to be
only good housewives, mothers, or
wives. Or, the other thing expected of
them is that they acquire a good job and
pursue a career that will enable them to
become financially independent.
It goes without saying that there is
nothing wrong with pursuing such
goals, for these are things people can
rightfully desire in life. However, what
Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)