Page 181 - Mary: An Exemplary Muslim Woman
P. 181
Muslim Women
Are Balanced and
People who live by their own self-
made rules can easily make compromis-
es when they deem it in their best inter-
ests to do so. No paramount guiding
principle shapes their lives and gives
permanence to their personalities.
Therefore, from time to time, their per-
sonalities show signs of change and can-
not be considered consistent.
The defining factor is usually their
selfish ego, for Allah reveals that all peo-
ple have been created with egotistic ten-
dencies. If people are ruled by their ego,
all of their behavior will be determined
accordingly. This will have an impact on
their personality's balance, consistency,
and stability. For example, they can be-
come angry, emotional, cross, or envi-
ous at a moment's notice and then re-
flect it in their behavior. Such people
constantly surprise others with their un-
expected reactions, and so evoke dis-
trust and uncertainty.
Such character traits are found
among unbelieving women. Since they
are far removed from the Qur'an's val-
ues, they surrender to the stereotyped
emotions of women and let their lives be