Page 183 - Mary: An Exemplary Muslim Woman
P. 183
determined by this behavior. Eventually, this leads them to irrational and
imbalanced behavior.
Believing women, since they read the Qur'an, know that their ego al-
ways tempts them toward wickedness and that satan will try to persuade
them to indulge in imbalanced and irrational behavior and to act on their
instincts. In many verses, He reminds people that those who accept the
Qur'an's guidance and follow the voice of their conscience will develop an
ideal personality and become distinguished in both worlds.
Muslim women acquire this strong and superior personality by fol-
lowing the path shown by Allah. This involves conforming their respons-
es to Islam's values in order to develop a measured and balanced person-
ality. Their actions, viewpoints, and logic will never surprise other people,
for their personalities will always reflect the stability flowing from the
Qur'an's morality. In other words, they will have reliable personalities,
unlike all unbelieving women.
Muslim Women Are Not Irrationally
Emotional or Sentimental
Unbelievers think that being emotional is an impor-
tant part of the human character. According to this
view, the resulting behavior is a feeling that needs to
be experienced. Such behavioral defects as being an-
gry, upset, and introverted, or weeping, complain-
ing, and apathy, are encouraged, for they suppos-
edly come from the heart. This view is completely
wrong. In unbelieving societies, such emo-
tionalism, especially that seen in women,
is responsible for a weak personality.
And, as we saw above, people
with weak personalities are, to a
great extent, unable to think
rationally or logically and