Page 226 - Mary: An Exemplary Muslim Woman
P. 226
Women in Denial: The Wives
of the Prophet Lot (pbuh) and
the Prophet Noah (pbuh)
In the Qur'an Allah also relates information about
two women who denied Him and so met their final fate:
an abode in Hell. They had something very important in
common: Their husbands were Prophets.
Prophets were people chosen by Allah, Who hon-
ored them by making them His Messengers and increasing
their physical as well as mental abilities. For this reason, it
is very important to note that the wives of the Prophet Noah
(pbuh) and the Prophet Lot (pbuh) did not believe, despite
knowing that Prophets acted only according to true revelation
and witnessing their husbands' genuine belief, good character,
wise speech, and rational decisions. These two women, however,
later became ungrateful and betrayed them. Allah says:
Allah has made an example for those who are an unbelieving peo-
ple: the wife of Noah and the wife of Lot. They were married to
two of Our servants who were believers, but they betrayed
them and were not helped at all against Allah. They were told:
"Enter the Fire along with all who enter it." (Surat at-Tahrim: 10)
Despite their closeness to these Prophets loved by Allah and
winners of His good pleasure and Paradise, these women did not ben-
efit from Allah's mercy. Moreover, their insincerity caused them to call
His wrath upon themselves. For example, the Prophet Lot's (pbuh) wife
was destroyed along with her unbelieving people:
The only response of his people was to say: "Drive
the family of Lot out of your city! They are people
Mary: An Exemplary Muslim Woman