Page 229 - Mary: An Exemplary Muslim Woman
P. 229
who keep themselves pure!" So We rescued him
and his family—except for his wife. We or-
dained her to be one of those who stayed be-
hind. We rained down a rain upon them. How
evil is the rain of those who are warned! (Surat
an-Naml: 56-58)
[The angels said:] "We are going to destroy the
people of this city. Truly its inhabitants are
wrongdoers." He [Abraham] said: "Lot is in it."
They said: "We know very well who is in it. We
are going to rescue him and his family—except
for his wife. She will be one of those who stay
behind." When Our messengers [angels] came
to Lot, he was distressed on their account, feel-
ing incapable of protecting them. They said:
"Do not fear and do not grieve. We are going to
rescue you and your family—except for your
wife; she will be one of those who stay behind.
We will bring down on the inhabitants of this
city a devastating punishment from heaven be-
cause of their deviance." (Surat al-'Ankabut: 31-
Both of these women were given a great op-
portunity in life by becoming the wives of
Prophets. But neither women could convert this
opportunity into a great reward in both worlds,
and so they did not attain such heights. For
this reason, they experienced Allah's
wrath and were debased and belittled.
Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)