Page 42 - Mary: An Exemplary Muslim Woman
P. 42
vents anemia during pregnancy and also regulates the blood's RBC bal-
ance, which is so crucial for the baby's development. Due to its high iron
content, one-and-a-half dates can meet the body's total iron requirement
and thus prevent all complaints caused by a lack of iron.
Calcium and phosphorus are very important elements in developing
and balancing the skeleton and the bone structures. Dates protect the
body from anemia and weak bones, and thus reduce the risk of such ill-
nesses with their high nutritional value and high phosphorus, calcium,
and iron content.
Scientists point out that dates can reduce stress and tension levels.
Research done at Berkeley University revealed that dates are rich in vit-
amin B1 (the "nerve vitamin") and magnesium (essential for muscle
functions), both of which are essential for a strong nervous system.
Magnesium is also very important for the kidneys, and two or three dates
per day are enough to meet all of the human body's magnesium re-
quirements. 4
Dates also contain folic acid (vitamin B9), which is essential for preg-
nant women, due to its important role in forming new blood cells, pro-
ducing amino acids, and developing new cells. As a result, a pregnant
woman needs double the usual daily amount of folic acid. If the body's
folic acid levels fall below the required amount, bigger but less func-
tional red blood cells are formed and anemia occurs.
Folic acid, which is crucial to developing the cell's genetic makeup
and division, is the only substance that must be doubled during preg-
nancy. Dates are very rich in folic acid.
During pregnancy, a woman's daily vitamin A requirement increas-
es to 800 ug. Dates are very rich in the foremost vitamin A: beta-carotene. 5
Most other fruits are protein-poor, but dates have good protein con-
tent. 6
Oxytocin is used in modern medicine to accelerate labor and is of-
Mary: An Exemplary Muslim Woman