Page 95 - Mary: An Exemplary Muslim Woman
P. 95
Allah reminds people that whatever they have comes from Him:
"The kingdom of the heavens and Earth belongs to Allah. He creates
whatever He wills. He gives daughters to whoever He wills, and He
gives sons to whoever He wills, or He gives them both sons and
daughters. And He makes whoever He wills barren. Truly, He is All-
Knowing, All-Powerful" (Surat ash-Shura: 49-50). Both girls and boys
are gifts from Allah for which people must be thankful.
Throughout history, many societies have assumed such misguided
attitude towards women. An important reality, however, must not be
overlooked: The morality, behavior, and personality of some women
help to spread and justify this ignorant tradition by proving it true.
Islam refutes this bigoted view by declaring that all Muslims, by
which it means both men and women, have sharp minds, highly devel-
oped faculties of comprehension, a great strength of character, and a su-
perior sense of morality. Mary and Pharaoh's wife are excellent exam-
ples of this truth.
In the coming pages, we will examine briefly the ignorance that
prevents women from throwing off this destructive tradition and adopt-
ing religion's superior morality, and display the character differences be-
tween unbelieving and Muslim women.