Page 29 - The Miracle of Migration in Animals
P. 29


                  to lay their eggs. Lohmann and his team wanted to observe
                  whether or not the turtles made use of regional magnetic fields
                  to find their migration routes, and set up their study to this end.
                  They placed electric coils on the outside of a lab tank to create
                  magnetic fields. 79 newly hatched turtles were fitted with
                  bathing suits, connected to a computerized tracking system and
                  put in the tank. The hatchlings were presented with the magnetic
                  fields with values equivalent to the critical points of their migra-
                  tory route—those in the northern Florida, off the coast of

                  Portugal, and in the North Atlantic gyre’s southernmost edge. In
                  each magnetic field, the turtles began to swim in the direction of
                  their migratory path. For example, when the magnetic field of
                  the northeastern gyre was simulated in the tank, the hatchlings
                  headed to the south. In the real ocean, this would keep them on
                  the right track and away from fatally cold water. 3

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