Page 32 - The Miracle of Migration in Animals
P. 32


                     Organization in Migration

                     Congregating in groups for migration provides animals with
                 great advantages. In a group movement, the amount of energy each
                 individual requires is significantly reduced, as compared to a solo ef-
                 fort. In this way, groups of animals can travel greater distances using
                 less energy. There is no disorder in the course of this common migra-

                 tion, as each creature carries out its function in the most appropriate
                 way. As later examples will show, these creatures continue their jour-
                 neys in total harmony, providing mutual assistance and making sac-
                 rifices for one another if need arises.
                     Human beings are the only beings on Earth with rational intelli-
                 gence, but their interactions do not always display such harmony. In
                 almost every community, there are people who object to the duties al-
                 lotted to them, and when required to make sacrifices, express dissat-
                 isfaction and a rebellious attitude. For this reason, human

                 communities enact various rules and laws to prevent disorder, and
                 protect the social order.
                     However, the animals in question have no defined rules or
                 penalties or sanctions, yet nevertheless, they carry on with their lives,
                 abiding in constant harmony. This is evidence that they are created to
                 conform to collective actions and that each is inspired to act in the
                 same way.
                     These are all part of the evidence of creation that God has
                 given—in the sky, on Earth and in the sea; in short, in the whole uni-
                 verse. People of intelligence and conscience recognize this, and their
                 faith in God grows. The reflection of the faithful on the verses of God
                 and their praise of God are stated in the Qur’an:

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