Page 39 - The Miracle of Migration in Animals
P. 39


                    You might think that such speeds would be exhausting for mi-
                grating creatures over long distances, but this is not generally the
                case. Coming from a very long journey overland or sea, birds some-
                times show signs of fatigue, of course, but they do not experience se-
                rious problems unless they have faced adverse winds. Even small
                landbirds are so little affected by their journey after crossing the Gulf
                of Mexico at its widest point, they continue flying inland without
                stopping. 7
                    How and why do birds migrate? For many years, researchers

                have been trying to answer those questions. Although a great deal of
                progress has been made in this respect, the
                most important points are still shrouded in
                    With birds as with other animals,
                some members of the same species migrate
                while others lead a settled existence. For
                this reason, evolutionary scientists are not
                able to explain the roots of migration. For
                instance, various kinds of wood warblers
                                                               Wood warbler
                and flycatchers are wholly migratory, most
                woodpeckers are permanent residents, but Blue
                Jays are partial migrant. If, as the evolutionists
                claim, these creatures have developed such a
                mechanism to survive, and their bodies have
                developed appropriate systems through var-
                ious coincidences, why don’t all members
                of the same species exhibit the same behav-
                ior? How can the residential individuals
                ensure the survival of the species?
                    From the perspective of the evo-
                lutionists, this situation defies explana-

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