Page 41 - The Miracle of Migration in Animals
P. 41
Proper timing is very important for the commencement of mi-
gration. In spring, if a bird postponed its preparations for migration
and waited until food in the breeding ground was easily obtainable, it
wouldn’t have enough time to migrate, mate, incubate the eggs and
feed its young when the food supply did become plentiful. The tim-
ing of birds’ yearly migration concurs with the season when the par-
ents will have access to the most abundant food supply for their
nestlings. Similarly, if birds delay their departure from the breeding
ground until chilly autumn weather drives them out, there won’t be
enough time for the necessary physiological changes (such as storing
energy by weight gain). This would mean extinction for the species.
However, there are no mishaps, and birds somehow “choose” the
right time to migrate with perfect accuracy.
Piecing together all these facts—that all these mechanisms that
birds possess work perfectly; that they make the necessary prepara-
tions for migration; and that mechanisms as yet not fully understood
let them find their way during migration—a finely created system
clearly emerges. It is ridiculous to imagine that such a delicately
planned system, so perfectly suited to the bodies of birds,
could have developed as a result of coincidental muta-
tions. Birds’ migration system points to the ex-
istence of a Creator, showing that they
are created by God.