Page 11 - Miracle in the Eye
P. 11
Nor did you have to struggle to develop a pair of those wonderful in-
struments. At birth, your eyes came as standard equipment, with free in-
stallation and, unless you had a particular defect, in perfect working
order. Since then, you're not likely to have felt any urge to ask the kind of
questions you might upon receiving an expensive, anonymous gift, such
as "Why did I get this?" or, "Who sent this to me?" or, "Exactly what do
they want from me in return?." Be assured that the Creator, Who lent you
this blessing, will call you to account when the contract ends—which is
sooner than you imagine.
Those who best understand how irreplaceable this blessing is, are
people who lose their eyesight later in life. In the possible event that you
are struck blind, your long list of lifetime plans and ambitions will be
sidelined by just one wish: To regain your lost eyesight.
Had you been blind all your life, since birth, and after an operation,
you could see all of a sudden, the reverse would be no less dramatic.
Without a doubt, no gift in the world would seem more valuable. You
would experience no greater happiness than at the moment your ban-
dages were removed, and on the days that followed.
At this very moment, if you are not acknowledging the unique bless-
ing of your eyes to the Gracious One Who has granted it to you, then you
are being deeply ungrateful—a state of mind that, unfortunately, is shared
by a substantial part of humanity.
Say: "It is He Who brought you into being and gave you hearing,
sight and hearts. What little thanks you show!" (Qur'an, 67: 23)
Evolution Back on the Ropes
How did such a vital sense like seeing come to be? How could a for-
merly nonexistent concept—seeing—suddenly appear? Let's generalize
the question by widening our scope. How did man come to existence in
the first place, complete with his five senses, brains, internal organs,
limbs, and with a soul and a functioning body?
Anyone with common sense can tell you that life is the work of a su-
perior and flawless creation. Rejecting this clear truth, the theory of evo-