Page 12 - Miracle in the Eye
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lution, provides "coincidence" as its answer to this question. Evolutionists
claim that all living things in this world, past and present, came to evolve
through a chain of countless coincidences, with never an original creation
to start the process. But this claim defies all laws of logic and science, inas-
much as it's impossible for lifeless matter to create an organism. The theory
of evolution tries to explain the universe's flawless nature through coinci-
dental happenings, but science has been proven it wrong in every way.
Scientific proof has shown not only how evolutionary claims are unreason-
able and unscientific, but also, has revealed how evolutionists have forged
their evidence. Science has demonstrated that life cannot possibly be ex-
plained through coincidences, since it is the work of a superior design. The
Creator of this flawless design is God, Who created the entire universe.
Despite this unavoidable truth, today 's dominant academic establish-
ments and media conglomerates collaborate in a joint effort to uphold the
theory of evolution. Their standard technique is to issue a news bulletin
that some recently excavated skull proudly provides a link heretofore
missing of the grand evolutionary chain. Not only are there any evolution-
ary chains to complete, but the excavations do not reveal anything closely
resembling the long-awaited figments of evolutionists' imagination—such
as the half-fish, half-reptile or the half-reptile, half-bird. Yet their press-re-
lease hype leaves the impression that evolution as a whole has been al-
ready proven, except for a few random details regarding the lineage from
ape to human.
Of course, there is a reason behind the evolutionists' constant empha-
sis on excavating skulls. Throughout the history of the world, there have
been thousands of species of ape, of all shapes and sizes, of which 97 per-
cent are now extinct. It is simple child's play to array the skulls of extinct
apes on a long table according to cranial volume or one structural charac-
teristic and declare this lineup to be "the evolutionary chain joining ape
and man." The evolutionist's basic toolkit consists of fossil forgeries, false
lineages, and creative drawings of ape-men that have little to do with sci-
entific evidence.
In reality, evolution's supposedly strong progression crumbles at its