Page 22 - Miracle in the Eye
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chemicals used for disinfecting whole buildings—yet miraculously, such a
strong substance does not cause the slightest damage to the eye.
It's worthwhile to pause and reflect on this surprising evidence. How
can such a powerful substance not harm the most delicate organ? The an-
swer is clear: The tear's powerful disinfectants are created to serve perfectly
under the eye's chemical system. The perfect harmony existing at every
level and in every aspect of creation is evident in the eye as well.
No artificial disinfectant with similar effects can be applied to the eye.
Nor is there any manmade substance that can replace tears—a situation that
raises some questions evolutionists cannot answer. How did systems such
as the eye and tears, working together in complete harmony, come about at
the same time? Clearly, blind coincidences could never have created such
perfect structures in the human body. But to illustrate how far away evolu-
tionists are from science and logic, let us for a moment assume the impossi-
ble: That coincidences are able to bring about something.
Lacrimal gland
(tear gland) Canaliculi Lacrimal
(Figure 1.3). A dia-
gram of the channels
through which tears
are released. With its
superior abilities, the
tear is a miracle in it-
self. The perfect sys-
tems that produce
and discharge tears,
combined with the
delicate balance in its
production, provides
us with solid evi-
dence, with no room
for coincidence.