Page 25 - Miracle in the Eye
P. 25
If tears were produced at a lower rate, then friction between eyeball
and eyelid would create never-ending pain. People suffering from a
drought of tears experience a constant burning sensation, as if sand were
in their eyes. Their eyes swell and turn red. In the advanced stages of the
illness comes the inevitable blindness.
Once any irritating stimulus—foreign particles such as dust, for in-
stance—contacts the eyeball's surface, tear production increases automati-
cally. More lysozyme is secreted for antiseptic purposes, while more sheer
liquid is secreted to help in quick disposal of the foreign element.
The fact that the tear glands are equipped with an accurate balance
mechanism that controls secretion in precisely the necessary amounts, by
itself, is enough of a miracle to refute the claims of coincidental evolution.
No sensible person imagines that a small bottle of eye drops,
stamped with its production date and factory, can compose itself via a se-
ries of accidents. There must be someone who invented the drop's for-
mula, manufactured the product and packaged it. Anyone who thinks
otherwise would have his sanity questioned. Teardrops, possessing fea-
tures that are superior, are produced with unique chemical ingredients in
delicate proportions. There are also the glands that secrete them, sensor-
based systems to control secretion, and sensitive canals through which
they are ejected. Taking these into account, it's not logical to claim that
tears came about coincidentally and were—again accidentally—located
in the eyes. Every human being past and present has had tears, which do
not differ from person to person. It is Almighty God Who created the eye
as a complete whole, for every person, as yet another of God's flawless
The Fine Art of Defense
By now, it's clear that the eye's sensitive structure is granted VIP pro-
tection. But it's vital to keep in mind the aesthetic perfection in which this
maximum security is realized. The eyes might have been encased in a
thick, rough, armor-like shell, but creation presents a more pleasant aes-
thetic view, with the bone circling the eye, and with eyelids, eyebrows and