Page 87 - Miracle in the Eye
P. 87
evolutionary development and have in fact no evolutionary ties. For ex-
ample, the eyes of a mammal and an octopus have virtually identical
structures and functions, but have emerged from different embryologic
layers. They are therefore regarded as analogous organs. 29
As he points out, evolutionists claim that there are no evolutionary ties be-
tween a mammal's eyes and an octopus' eyes, that they developed completely
independently of each other. Therefore according to Professor Demirsoy, the
"miracle of the evolution of the eye" took place separately not only in mam-
mals, but in octopuses, invertebrates and fish as well.
If we put aside the total impossibility of evolution and assume it to be true,
there are still further inconsistencies—because the three sets of eyes (inverte-
brate, squid and vertebrate) would all have to have evolved independently of
one another. The same impossible evolution would have to reflect itself in dif-
ferent species at the same geologic period.
Evolutionary biologist Frank Salisbury made this important point:
My last doubt concerns so-called parallel evolution… Even something as
complex as the eye has appeared several times; for example, in the squid,
the vertebrates, and the arthropods. It's bad enough accounting for the ori-
gin of such things once, but the thought of producing them several times
according to the modern synthetic theory makes my head swim. 30
Using the Neo-Darwinist micro-mutation theory, it seems impossible to
explain the presence of eyes, wings, lungs and similar complex organs. Even
Darwin himself has confessed that this destroys his theory:
If it could be demonstrated that any complex organ existed, which could
not possibly have been formed by numerous, successive, slight modifica-
tions, my theory would absolutely break down. 31
A century has passed since Darwin wrote, "the very thought of the eye
makes me cold all over," thus admitting he could not explain how eyes fitted
into the theory of evolution. Yet to this day, scientists are still searching an evo-
lutionary explanation to what Professor Demirsoy calls "a miracle of evolu-
tion." 32 It is clear that the eye is no evolutionary miracle, but a miracle of
creation, another of God's flawless masterpieces.