Page 92 - Miracle in the Eye
P. 92
the world would become significantly less exciting. Our enjoyment of the sea,
forests, fashion and even food would be drastically reduced.
However, all the colors of nature are created to please and agree with
humans. It is a miracle by itself that the concept of color actually exists, but
it's a great blessing that these colors are beautifully and harmoniously put to
use by God.
The world and its inhabitants; the flowers, fruits and birds; the vast seas
and all they contain, including the fish, coral and seaweed are all of different
colors, patterns, and shapes. There are billions of such living beings on this
planet—they could not have possibly evolved by means of a series of coinci-
dences. How can coincidental occurrences have created the array of colors in
a bird's feathers, or a fish's scales? Who created the colors of a peacock's
feathers, or the patterns on a tiger's back, or the coral seabed? What makes
these aesthetics so appealing to humans?
Imagine that an archaeological dig excavates a chest containing a won-
derful painting. No one would assume that the paints on the canvas came to-
gether coincidentally to create the masterpiece. Clearly, an artist created the
painting, and it is a reflection of a message the artist wanted to convey.
In the same way, it's clear that the landscape, skies, flowers, fruits, plants
and animals are created by God in the most beautiful manner possible.
Have they not looked at the sky above them: How We structured it and
made it beautiful and how there are no fissures in it? And the Earth:
how We stretched it out and cast firmly embedded mountains
onto it and caused luxuriant plants of every kind to grow
in it, an instruction and a reminder for every penitent
human being. (Qur'an, 50: 6-8)