Page 105 - The Social Weapon: Darwinism
P. 105
only six weeks. Meningitis sufferers in America were generally given
quick-acting drugs intravenously, but the Nigerian girl was given by
mouth a drug that had never been tested on children. Again, in the
event of negative affects in tests of this kind, the drug should imme-
diately be stopped and another drug administered. But the drug com-
pany continued to give the little girl the same drug until she died.
The drug in question never received permission to be used with
children. In America, it was restricted in adult use on the grounds
that it led to kidney disorders and deaths, and was completely pro-
hibited in Europe. This shows just how dangerous it actually was. 1
ollowing the publication of The Origin of Species, various en-
thusiastic Darwinists began looking for the “missing link” in
the so-called human evolution. Racist evolutionists believed
that the native aboriginal peoples of Australia were one of the primi-
tive stages of human evolution. In order to prove this misconception,
they began stealing corpses from Aborigines' graves and selling them
to American and European museums. Shocking information ap-
peared in the Australian weekly The Bulletin in 1991, under the byline
of David Monaghan. He worked on the story for 18 months, carried
out research in London, and produced a documentary called
“Darwin's Body-Snatchers,” screened in England on 8 October 1990.
Some of the information Monaghan provided was along the follow-
ing lines:
• US evolutionists were also strongly involved in this flourishing
“industry” of gathering specimens of “subhumans.” The
Smithsonian Institution in Washington holds the remains of 15,000
individuals of various races. [These collected samples, of course,
were by no means human beings of an inferior race, as claimed, but
humans of different ethnic origin and races with different physio-
logical structures.]
Harun Yahya - Adnan Oktar