Page 100 - The Social Weapon: Darwinism
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Dr. J. Craig Venter, head of the Cilera Genomics Corp. that
runs the Human Genome Project, says that “race is a social con-
cept, not a scientific one. Dr. Venter and scientists from the
National Institutes of Health mapped the entire human genome
and concluded that there was only one single human race.
Dr. Harold P. Freeman, president of North General
Hospital, NYC, sums up the results of his work on the issue of
biology and race:
If you ask what percentage of your genes is reflected in your ex-
ternal appearance, the basis by which we talk about race, the an-
swer seems to be in the range of 0.01 percent. This is a very, very
minimal reflection of your genetic makeup. 57
Another scientist to arrive at the same conclusion is Alan R.
Templeton, a professor of biology from Washington University,
who analyzed the DNA of members of different human popula-
tions. He observed that despite the great genetic variety among
human beings, most of such variations were on the individual
level. There may be some variations among populations, he
states, but these
are very small.
An article titled
“Do Races Differ?
Not Really, DNA
Shows,” published
in the New York
The Social Weapon: Darwinism