Page 97 - The Social Weapon: Darwinism
P. 97
Huxley refers to the black race as if they were animals, not
human beings, and makes the oft-disproven claim that the blacks
will inevitably lag behind in the conceptual race.
The seeds of racism, sown together with the theory of evolu-
tion in the mid-1800s, began to produce their real fruits towards the
mid-1900s. Friedrich Nietzsche, a contemporary of Darwin's and a
passionate adherent of the theory of evolution, popularized such
baseless terms as the “superman” and “the supreme race.” National
Socialism was the inevitable result. Hitler and the Nazis made
Darwin's law of the jungle into state policy that left 40 million dead.
(Further details will be examined in Chapter 5.)
Slaves seeking their freedom in
Western South Africa in 1904
were savagely put down.