Page 93 - The Social Weapon: Darwinism
P. 93
The native Australians or
Aborigines, whom
Darwinists regarded as in-
ferior, are no different from
any other race. The photo
on the right shows the na-
tive Australian athlete
Cathy Freeman lighting
the 2000 Olympic flame.
Nor were Darwin's racist statements limited to these. For
example, in The Voyage of the Beagle, published before The Origin
of Species, he speaks of encountering “backward” human races
from Tierra del Fuego:
It was without exception the most curious & interesting spectacle
I ever beheld. I would not have believed how entire the difference
between savage & civilised man is. It is much greater than be-
tween a wild & domesticated animal... [I] believe if the world was
searched, no lower grade of man could be found. 47
This is how Darwin describes the native people of
Patagonia, whom he calls “barbarian”:
Harun Yahya - Adnan Oktar