Page 89 - The Social Weapon: Darwinism
P. 89
and circumstances, all people must benefit from true justice, re-
gardless of their color, language or gender. The claim made by
Darwinist racists that justice only applies to the strong in no way
reflects the truth. Every individual may wish to acquire things
of the highest quality and the most attractive for himself and for
his society, but he is never justified in ignoring the harm he in-
flicts on others in doing so. To claim the opposite violates reason
and good conscience.
One can encounter racist views in subsequent years also,
even in the writings of evolutionists who claim not to be racist—
as a natural consequence of their belief in evolution. One of
these is paleontologist George Gaylord Simpson who, no matter
how strongly he resents being termed a racist, claimed in an ar-
ticle published in Science magazine that racial differences ap-
peared as a result of evolution, and that some races are more
advanced or backward than others:
Evolution does not necessarily proceed at the same rate in differ-
ent populations, so that among many groups of animals it is pos-
sible to find some species that have evolved more slowly, hence
are now more primitive, as regards some particular trait or even
overall. It is natural to ask—as many have asked—whether
among human races there may not similarly be some that are
more primitive in one way or another or in general. It is indeed
possible to find single characteristics that are probably more ad-
vanced or more primitive in one race than in another. 42
Despite its having no scientific basis whatsoever, Simpson's
superstitious view was adopted by certain circles for ideological
reasons. In defending the theory of evolution's unscientific
claims in their writings, books, and speeches, other scientists of
the time also supported racism. An article titled “The Evolution
of Human Races,” by Henry Fairfield Osborn, president of the
Harun Yahya - Adnan Oktar