Page 88 - The Social Weapon: Darwinism
P. 88


                       Of course, this claim is totally unfounded. That people
                  have different skin colors or different racial or ethnic origins

                  doesn't make them superior or inferior to anyone else. One main
                  reason why this deception became prevalent in the 19th century
                  was the widespread ignorance of the time, itself due to the prim-
                  itive scientific conditions.
                       Another example of a scientist known for his racist views
                  was Princeton University's  American biologist Edwin G.
                  Conklin who, like other racists, had no qualms about openly ex-
                  pressing his perverted opinions:
                       Comparison of any modern race with the Neanderthal or
                       Heidelberg types show that... Negroid races more closely resem-
                       ble the original stock than the white or yellow races. Every con-
                       sideration should lead those who believe in the superiority of the
                       white race to strive to preserve its purity and to establish and
                       maintain the segregation of the races. 40
                       William Sollas, a professor of paleontology and geology
                  from Oxford University, set out his views in his 1911 book

                  Ancient Hunters:
                       Justice belongs to the strong, and has been meted out to each race
                       according to its strength ... It is not priority of occupation, but the
                       power to utilize, which establishes a claim to the land. Hence it is
                       a duty which every race owes to itself, and to the human family as
                       well, to cultivate by every possible means its own strength: di-
                       rectly it falls behind in regard it pays to this duty, whether in art
                       of science, in breeding or in organisation for self-defence, it oc-
                       curs a penalty which Natural Selection, the stern but beneficent
                       tyrant of the organic world, will assuredly exact, and that speed-
                       ily, to the full. 41
                       To say that justice belongs to the strong—a grave error—
                  will lead to terrible social chaos. No matter what the conditions

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