Page 83 - The Social Weapon: Darwinism
P. 83
the poor. Therefore here today he has no friend. (Surat al-Haqqa,
It must not be forgotten: It is Almighty God, the Lord of all ex-
istence and all the universe, Who gives everyone his earnings and
success. A person does not become wealthy by engaging in ruth-
less competition in the “struggle for survival” or by oppressing the
weak. It is God Who gives everyone all that they possess, distribut-
ing wealth among them in order to test them. A wealthy person is
actually tested by means of that wealth. God reveals this fact in a
We made everything on the Earth adornment for it so that We
could test them to see whose actions are the best. (Surat al-Kahf, 7)
A person is responsible, therefore, for using all the blessings
given him by God in the best manner possible, in order to earn His
approval. A true believer must act in the knowledge that all he pos-
sesses are a blessing from God, and that
just as our Lord can increase his posses-
sions whenever He chooses, He can
also take them away.