Page 27 - The Social Weapon: Darwinism
P. 27


                required by religious ethics. Those who ignore the moral values
                commanded by God, however, propel towards catastrophe both

                themselves and the societies they live in.
                     Another catastrophe for which Social Darwinism provided
                alleged justification is colonialism. A number of administrators
                of colonial states tried to justify their ruthless exploitation of na-
                tive populations with Darwinist theses lacking any scientific va-
                lidity or logical consistency. They claimed that “inferior races”
                needed to be kept under the control of “superior races” because
                this was a law of nature, and founded their policies on this so-
                called scientific basis.
                     By using the twisted logic of Social Darwinism, combatants
                in the 20th century's two world wars sought to depict war as in-
                evitable. They attempted to depict the killing of the innocent
                and the poor; the destruction of their homes, businesses, and
                livestock; the forcing of millions from their homes and lands;

                     The Nazis first sterilized children with mental or inherited ill-
                     nesses, and then began sending them to gas chambers. Even
                     children lacking just a thumb became the targets of eugenicist

                                 Harun Yahya - Adnan Oktar
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