Page 29 - The Social Weapon: Darwinism
P. 29
Benjamin Wiker's book Moral
connections between Darwinism and
things like eugenics is that they don't
want the theory to be tarnished by its
moral implications. But the implications
are there, not only in the text, but as evi-
denced in the social and moral effects
Darwinism has had in the century and a half
since it appeared. 7
As you'll see in the following chapters, many of Darwin's
expressions and statements clearly reveal him to have been the
original source of Social Darwinism. Modern evolutionists hesi-
tate to accept these views on account of Social Darwinism's ter-
rifying results in the 20th century. Yet competition, racism, and
elements of Social
Darwinism—also lie at the
basis of the theory of evolu-
tion. Whether or not evolu-
tionists accept the fact,
these are the conse-
quences of adopting
Darwin's book The
Descent of Man
Harun Yahya - Adnan Oktar