Page 33 - The Social Weapon: Darwinism
P. 33


              “acquired” characteristics could be passed on to subsequent gener-

              ations. For example, they believed that if a blacksmith developed
              powerful muscles because of his work, his sons would have
              equally strong muscles. In that primitive scientific climate, Darwin
              developed his theory. Neither Darwin nor any who supported him
              was able to submit evidence for the theory of evolution from such
              branches of science as paleontology, biology or anatomy. Moreover,

              observations and experiments performed in the following years,
              and especially new findings obtained in the 20th century, revealed
              that the theory was clearly wrong. But despite the theory's scien-
              tific weakness, its providing a basis for materialist and atheist

                                                             On the other
                                                           hand, modern-
                                                           day microsco-
                                                         pes have shown
                                                            how complex
                                                         and flawless the
                                                          structure of the
                                                             cell truly is.
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