Page 34 - The Social Weapon: Darwinism
P. 34


                  thought led to its immediate adoption by one part of the scientific

                       Certain circles began to apply the theory of evolution to the so-
                  cial sphere, on account of the ideological messages it contained. It
                  took its place at the root of such 20th-century disasters as genocide,
                  mass slaughter, civil wars in which brother slew brother, and world
                  wars that ruined nations. Religious moral values and the virtues they
                  bring with them, were abandoned in favor of the law of the jungle in
                  which the weaker are oppressed and eliminated. This theory, de-
                  void of any scientific validity, influenced an entire century.
                       One of Social Darwinists' major errors was their at-
                  tempt to implement that theory to the social arena.
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