Page 38 - The Social Weapon: Darwinism
P. 38


                  expended to resolve those conflicts, there will be a decline in all
                  spheres—from art to technology, from the economy to science—

                  rather than progress.
                       Furthermore, killing the sick or handicapped in the name of
                  eugenics, is not only terribly brutal, but also contributes nothing
                  whatsoever to social progress. Such an open acceptance of murder
                  will bring enormous losses that will spell ruin for society. Today,
                  some 6% of the world's population—some half a billion people, a
                  very large number—are handicapped. That would mean that
                  everyone would lose someone from his family or circle of acquain-
                  tances, and will have acquiesced in their deaths. This will open
                  spiritual wounds that wreak great harm on people's psychological
                  well-being. In any society where a mother cannot trust her chil-
                  dren, children their mother, or brothers each other, where one can
                  allow another to be killed at any time, there will be severe degen-
                  eration and depression. In any case, a society that kills people just
                  because they are handicapped is undergoing a devastating moral
                  collapse. It must already have lost all spiritual values, all human-
                  ity. Without doubt, to claim progress by means of murder indicates
                  very serious mental and psychological problems.

                       The greatest suffering will be experienced by those
                  condemned to “elimination,” and that suffering will
                  give rise to deep wounds in the consciences of

                      If the suffering of the last century is not to be
                      repeated, and if this 21st century is to be one of
                      peace, then people need to be made aware of
                      Darwinism's deceptions and dangers.
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