Page 37 - The Social Weapon: Darwinism
P. 37


                 In nature, living things may die or become extinct when they
            cannot adapt to the prevailing conditions. For example, a dark-

            haired rabbit in a snow-covered forest may soon fall prey to a fox
            who can see it clearly. Yet, contrary to what Darwinists would have
            us believe, dead dark-haired rabbits don't give rise to the emergence
            of a new lighter-haired species. Furthermore, animals are very differ-
            ent from human beings, who do not have to adapt to natural condi-
            tions in order to live. We possess the means to change our
            surroundings in accordance with our needs and wishes. For in-
            stance, we adapt our buildings, heating and cooling systems and
            clothing according to the climate where we live. There is no natural
            selection in human societies, because human beings' reason and abil-
            ities prevent such elimination.
                 Such errors lead Social Darwinists to look at societies from an
            inhuman perspective. An important example of that perspective, so

            devoid of reason and conscience, is how they thought that societies
            could progress by abandoning the weak and needy, the powerless
            and handicapped to their own devices. The fact is that such a selfish
            refusal brings with it decline, not progress. Those whom Darwinism
            maintains should be neglected and left uncared for are conscious
            human beings, able to think and reason. When abandoned to injus-
            tice and cruelty, unless they possess the virtues of patience, forgive-
            ness and understanding imparted by religious moral values, they
            may feel great anger and hatred for those who inflict such treatment
            on them. To assuage that anger, as many recent examples have

            shown, they may then resort to violence, which can then give rise to
            conflict and chaos. As a result of all the material and spiritual means
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